Thursday, December 14th 2023

Coveo Generative AI Answering is Live

Summary image for post about: Coveo Generative AI Answering is Live

As part of Rightpoint, I lead our Knowledge AI and Search practice and have a great relationship with the Coveo team through our partnership. It has been like Christmas morning over in my virtual workshop. Generative AI has been the headline topic in Business and Technology for sure. I was able to get a peek at Coveo's solution and play with it hands on to build out a demo as part of our solution.

Coveo was able to make it easy to consume and get up in running in just a few days. I even have it on my blog search page. It was just a few steps:

  1. Create the two AI models needed:
    1. Relevance Generative Answering
    2. Semantic Encoder
  2. Associate the models to my Query Pipelines
  3. Update my Atomic UI to the latest version
  4. Add one line of code to my ui: <atomic-generated-answer />

With everything indexed and the models engaged I had generative answers!

I encourage everyone to take a look at this solution from Coveo and reach out if you have any questions.